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How Can Compounding Complement My Pain Management Plan?

How Can Compounding Complement My Pain Management Plan?

Pharmacologists work hard to develop medications that will help the widest range of people. Ultimately, though, each of our bodies is different. What you need probably isn’t what’s best for your friend or family member. In some cases, that’s why medication has a limit on what it can do. 

Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with your pain. With compoundingDr. Halina Snowball can offer personalized medication made just for you. And we offer this treatment right here at Integrated Pain Solutions in Stamford, Connecticut. 

If you live with persistent pain and other medication hasn’t been an effective part of your pain management plan, it’s well worth exploring this option. 

The basics of compounding

Compounding got its start altering existing medications to the needs of specific patients. If someone couldn’t swallow a pill, for example, a pharmacist might create the medication in liquid form. Or they might leave out a specific ingredient (e.g., gluten, dye) to which the patient was allergic. 

This alone can open up a new world of medication that may have previously been off the table for you. But it’s not where the benefits of compounding end. 

With compounding, Dr. Snowball can get customized medication into your hands. This tool allows her to tailor the dosage or strength of your medication to give your body precisely what it needs to best manage your pain — nothing more and nothing less.

Compounding uses pharmaceutical-grade (read: effective and safe) ingredients to create your medication. 

Compounding and pain management

For people living with chronic pain or recovering from an injury, compounding can be a powerful step on the road to recovery. With this option, Dr. Snowball can tailor medication to target problems like inflammation. At our office, she uses compounding to help patients living with:

Your compounded medication is just one part of your personalized treatment plan. Dr. Snowball may also recommend additional care like physical therapy or trigger point massage or injections

Ultimately, medication — even compounded medication — probably won’t be the cure-all for your pain. But it can be a useful tool that helps your body on its healing journey. It can target inflammation, a key cause of discomfort, and help you get enough mobility back to use tools like physical therapy. As you strengthen and lengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around your pain source, your body has a better support system to limit your pain.

To learn more about how compounding could be a valuable part of your pain management plan, call our office at 203-293-0549 or request an appointment online today.

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