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I’m Scared of Needles. Should I Avoid Acupuncture?

I’m Scared of Needles. Should I Avoid Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a powerful healing tool that’s been used for centuries. It can deliver benefits like pain relief without the need for pharmaceuticals, injections, or incisions. That means no notable side effects and no recovery time. 

Still, if you have a fear of needles, getting acupuncture might sound nightmarish. That doesn’t mean you should avoid this treatment, though. We want to help. 

As an acupuncture specialist, Dr. Halina Snowball has expertise she can share that may help you overcome the anxiousness you feel when you think about getting acupuncture. Visit us at Integrated Pain Solutions in Stamford, Connecticut, and we can explore easing you into this ancient and effective treatment. 

Things you should know about acupuncture

Dr. Snowball and our team want to help you feel as comfortable and open as possible to explore acupuncture for yourself. With that in mind, we want to bring a couple of things to your attention. 

The needles are extremely thin

When you picture a needle, you probably picture something like a sewing needle or the needle required to get intravenous (IV) fluids. Acupuncture needles are nothing like that.

These needles are super fine, about the thickness of a human hair. If you get squeamish about needles because you don’t like the idea of something breaking the surface of your skin, it can help to know that acupuncture needles only create an ultra-tiny interruption.

Acupuncture shouldn’t hurt

When done by a properly trained professional, acupuncture shouldn’t hurt. Your acupuncturist inserts the needles gently. And because they’re so thin, you might not feel them at all. Some people report feeling tingling or a sensation of heaviness in the area.

If it ever hurts, tell Dr. Snowball. You should never feel serious discomfort during acupuncture. 

Exploring acupuncture in a safe, supportive setting

Acupuncture can be an effective, drug-free way to get relief from joint pain (like hip or shoulder pain), headaches, and more.

If Dr. Snowball recommends acupuncture, start by telling her about your fear of needles. This allows her to explore the treatment option with you. If it will cause you excess stress, she might recommend alternatives.

If acupuncture is the right option for you and you’re open to exploring it, Dr. Snowball partners with you. She can insert the first needle to see how you respond. She’s always open to stopping or taking breaks — just communicate openly with her.

We will say, though, that a lot of people feel a great sense of relief after the first needle is gently inserted. Once you realize you barely feel it at all, it often dissolves a lot of the fear around the treatment.

To explore acupuncture for yourself — even if you have a fear of needles — call our team at 203-293-0549 or request an appointment online today.

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