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Why Has PRP Therapy Become So Popular?

Why Has PRP Therapy Become So Popular?

As medical research moves forward, we’re beginning to better understand how our bodies heal. And as we do, we’re gaining new ways to harness that regenerative power.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) serves as a prime example. As one study put it, “This is an exciting era for regenerative musculoskeletal medicine with PRP as the forerunner.” 

As a regenerative medicine expert, Dr. Halina Snowball has explored the potential use cases for PRP and decided to offer it here at Integrated Pain Solutions in Stamford, Connecticut. She currently uses PRP to treat back and joint pain, arthritis, muscular injuries, and more. 

And Dr. Snowball isn’t alone in this. Tens of thousands of people have opted to get this type of treatment. What makes PRP so popular? Three key reasons come into play. 

It’s a safe, natural option

PRP works by using the platelets in your own blood. Your platelets contain growth factors that your body uses to heal injuries. By gathering up those growth factors and injecting a high concentration where you need them, PRP helps support your natural healing processes.

There are no synthetic ingredients in any PRP treatment. Instead, the treatment comes from a tiny sample of your blood. Dr. Snowball uses a centrifuge to separate out the platelets. The resulting platelet-rich plasma is what gets injected into your problem area. 

Because PRP comes from your blood, the risk of complications and side effects is extremely low. You don’t need to worry that you’ll have an adverse reaction to any outside ingredient because there are none. 

It’s minimally invasive and convenient

PRP doesn’t require any surgery or a lengthy appointment. Dr. Snowball can often perform PRP therapy in an hour or less. 

Plus, this minimally invasive treatment doesn’t come with any downtime. You can get PRP therapy and continue on with the rest of your day. 

Public figures use it

PRP largely came into the spotlight as high-profile athletes used it to heal from sports injuries. The list of public figures who’ve opted to get PRP include:

Back in 2010, when Woods first publicly shared that he’d used this type of therapy, many people confused it for a performance-enhancing treatment. 

Fast forward about a decade and a half. As PRP has become better understood by the public, more and more people have realized they have access to this same treatment that leading sports medicine doctors recommend for healing. 

If you’re curious to know what PRP could do for you, call our office at 203-293-0549 or request an appointment online today.

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